To qualify to enter the 100 km True Blue Ultra event, in the 12 month period preceding 17 Jan 20th 2026, competitors will need to have completed an official marathon, no less that 42.2 km in length in under the race cutoff. Persons may be required to provide evidence of recent race time as required by the Race Director. If you feel that you have the experience, but do not have the current qualifier, then contact the Race Director (Ron) on 0439496765.
Due to the out and back nature of the course and the close proximity of aid stations and water stations to each other, this event will actively encourage persons wanting to test themselves, but do not have experience of other longer Ultra events. Entrants are expected to be fully aware that weather conditions may be hot on the day of the event, and should be aware of their own capabilities and limitations running in these conditions.
There are no qualifying criteria to enter the True Blue Ultra 75 km, 50 km 25 km or 12.5 km events, however participants should know their own limitations and still be sufficiently trained and experienced to compete. Sanity optional.
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